Every Monday during the school term from 6-7pm.
Event information
SpikeZone runs every Monday night, 6-7pm. It runs based on the school calendar, with breaks during the holidays. SpikeZone caters to younger kids who are looking to learn. For the benefit of the kids, there are two groups, a development group of kids primarily in the age group of 12-15, and a group of beginners primarily aged 10 - 14. The first time is free, after that the fee is $50 per term, collected yearly and pro-rate. E.g. Join in term 2, pay for terms 2, 3, and 4. You should also register for a VVI Blue membership from our Memberships page, which entitles you to sports insurance and makes you a member of both Volleyball Victoria, and Mornington Volleyball Club. A Silver membership costs $44 for U18 and $55 for everyone else.